
We are frequently interviewed on topics including college admissions, autism, ADHD and student mental health. To contact Top College Consultants for an interview or quote, please email

Articles & Books

Getting Into College Is the Easy Part – Grown & Flown 

Students and Stress: Challenges and Solutions – IECA Insights

How to Know If You’re Ready for College – CollegeXpress

Summer Programs: What Teens with Mental Health Challenges Should Know – TeenLife

3 Important Steps to Acing the “Why Us?” Essay – CollegeXpress

7 Things Students with Disabilities Should Do When Starting CollegeExceptional Needs Today magazine, reprinted in Autism Spectrum News

What Questions Should I Ask the Student Disabilities Office? – CollegeXpress

Learning Disabilities in College: 7 Things to Know and Do – CollegeXpress

College Support Options for Autistic Students – The OARacle (Organization for Autism Research)

Autism Disclosure and College – AANE Blog

Confident and Empowered – Journal of College Admissions

Managing College Anxiety 101 – Autism Goes to College Resource Center

Counseling Students with Learning Differences – Journal of College Admission

Strengthening IEC-School Counselor Collaboration for Students with Learning Differences – Journal of College Admission

Neurodiversity in College Admissions – IECA Insights

How to Better Cope with Remote Learning  – CollegeXpress

Coping With Coronavirus: What Students Need to Know – LINK for Counselors

Covid-Era College Prep with Scott Garbini in LINK for Counselors

Autism and the Transition to College – CollegeXpress

Transition to College: What Autism Parents Need to Know – Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine

Truly Inclusive Admission: Recruiting Students with Disabilities – Journal of College Admission

College Readiness and Transition for Students on the Spectrum – LINK for Counselors

LD/ND 101 (coauthor) – IECA Insights

9 Tips for International Students Applying to American Graduate Schools – LINK for Counselors

Jump-Start Student Learning with Technology – with Joan Green in IECA Insights

Female Students With ADHD: How IECs Can Help – with Sharon Saline in IECA Insights

Practical Tips for Working With Young Women on the Autism Spectrum – with Eva Mendes in IECA Insights

Communicating With People On the Spectrum – Autism Delaware newsletter

Can We Broaden the Neurodiversity Movement Without Weakening It? – book chapter with multiple authors in Disability Alliances and Allies, vol. 12

Embracing Autism in College – Different Brains

Asperger’s Syndrome: The Myths and Facts  – Different Brains

Older Autistic Adults (book chapter in Representing People with Autism Spectrum Disorders)

Older Autistic Adults, In Their Own Words: The Lost Generation – book co-authored with Wilma Wake and Robert Lagos

Quotes & Interviews

Three College Admissions Tips For Students With Learning Differences,” in Forbes


 How to Navigate College Admissions with a Learning Disability,” in U.S. News & World Report

“Explore the Spectrum” – interview with Jeanetta Bryant

3 Things to Know When Choosing Electives at a U.S. Graduate School,” in U.S. News & World Report

ChatGPT for Students with Dyslexia?” in Dystinct Magazine 

1 in 3 College Freshmen Has Depression, Anxiety,” in HealthDay News

Everything to Know About Filling Out the CSS Profile,” in Money Magazine

 Should You Save for College if President Biden Makes It Free?” from Forbes

 How to Choose a College That’s the Right Fit for You” – video interview with The University Network

 7 Ways to Successfully Land College Scholarships,” from Forbes

 Treating Student Anxiety: 7 Expert Support Tips for Parents,” in Beyond Booksmart blog

 How international students can adjust to U.S. college classes,” in U.S. News & World Report

 Changing College Plans Amid COVID-19,” from CollegeXpress

 What Do Colleges Want in an Applicant?” from CollegeXpress

 Are You College Ready?” interview with Signet Education

 College Students with ADHD: Online Resources and Support,” from EduMed

 What Counselors Are Doing to Help Students at Home,” from CollegeXpress

 Words of Encouragement for the Class of 2020,” from CollegeXpress

 How Can I Measure College Support for LD Students?” from CollegeXpress

 Should I Disclose My Learning Disability on College Apps?” from CollegeXpress

 How Influential is a “Name Brand” College?” from CollegeXpress

 Should I Ace Easy Classes or Push Myself in Hard Ones?” from CollegeXpress

 The new campus crisis: How anxiety is crippling college kids across the country,” in Deseret News 

 How to strategize your B-list of colleges,” in College Confidential

 How to regroup if you haven’t been accepted anywhere yet,” in College Confidential

 Seeking advantage, colleges are increasingly admitting students as sophomores,” on WGBH Radio (also published in The Hechinger Report)

 Is it moral and ethical to pay for an advantage in the college admissions process?” in Forbes



Webinars & Videos

College Admissions for Neurodivergent Students (with Beyond Akeela)

Choosing a College that will Support Your Unique Learner (with Open Door Education)

College Transition for Neurodivergent Students (with Bay State Learning)

Navigating College Admissions for Neurodivergent Learners (with Learnfully)

Launching Students Into College & Keeping Them There – College Supports That Work! (Panel discussion with NESCA, Mansfield Hall, Focus Collegiate and New Frontiers)

College Transition for Twice-Exceptional Students (Panel discussion with Dr. KD Harris and Dr. Gwen Palafox)

College Topics for Neurodivergent Students (interview for Inclusive Academia)

Testing Tips for Students with Learning Differences (Panel discussion with Next Step Prep)

A Longer Runway: Gap Year/Post-Graduate Programs for Students with Learning Differences (livestream with 4 programs)

Autism Disclosure and College (Presentation at the Philadelphia Autism Conference)

Selecting a College for Your Neurodivergent Student (with Ivy Insight)

Anxiety and College Admissions (webinar for Lexington High School)

Q&A with College Disability Services (livestream with staff from 3 colleges)

College Prep for 2e Students (for Young Scholars Academy)

3 Keys to Being College Ready (for the Learning Disabilities Association of NJ/MI Conference)

Spectrum of Support: Q&A with College Programs for Neurodivergent Students (Top College Consultants livestream with 6 colleges)

Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities (interview with James Maroney)

College Prep for Students with Learning Differences (interview with Priyanka Chopra of GradAchiever)

Neurodiversity, Anxiety and College (for Neurodiverse: Global Mental Health Summit) 

College Readiness & Transition for Neurodivergent Students (interview with Cyndy McDonald)

Top 10 College Admissions Myths: LD Edition (Top College Consultants livestream) 

Neurodiversity and College (webinar for San Jose State University)

Challenges Neurodistinct Students Face in University (interview with Will Wheeler)

Preparing for College: What Students with Learning Differences Need to Know (webinar with College Internship Program)

Pathway to College for Students with Disabilities (for the Hawaii Association for College Admissions Counseling conference)

What LD Students Need to Succeed in College (from the Learning Disabilities Association of NJ annual conference)

Neurodivergent in College (interview with Different Brains)

Are Your Students Ready for College? (webinar for UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education 

Transition to College for LD Students – “Ask the Experts” Panel (from the World of Difference TV program with Beacon College)

College Transition for Students on the Spectrum (webinar with Westport College Prep)

What is a College Consultant? When Might One Be Helpful? (interview with Dr. Gwen Palafox)

Neurodiversity and Mental Health in College (panel discussion for CUNY Neurodiversity Conference)

Helping Students with Anxiety Succeed in School (panel discussion with Beyond BookSmart)

Learning About Autism from Autistic Adults (panel discussion with Dr. Temple Grandin and Sam Farmer for the Special Fathers Network)

College Planning During COVID-19 (webinar with Engaging Minds and Right Fit College Coaching)

ASD and College: Options for Your Child After High School (webinar with the National Autism Academy)

Embracing Autism in College (Association on Higher Education and Disability conference)

Film Discussion of Autism Goes to College (for the Higher Education Consultants Association Conference, featuring the film’s executive producer)

Podcast & Radio

Is College In My Future? (Uniquely Human podcast episode with Barry Prizant, Ph.D. and Dave Finch) 

Navigating College Accommodations (podcast episode of Unspoken Words)

Learning Differences and the College Process (podcast episode for Don’t Force It: How to Get into College Without Losing Yourself in the Process)

Gap Year Experiences for Neurodivergent Young Adults (podcast episode for Tilt Parenting)

Preparing Diverse Learners for College Success (podcast episode on The Special Ed Strategist)

The Neurodivergent College-Bound Journey (for Flourish Coaching)

College Admissions Considerations for Autistic Students (episode of Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Industry Podcast)

Guidelines for the Neurodivergent Individual (episode of Get It Done! podcast)

Is AI Beneficial for Students? (episode of Get It Done! podcast)

Autism, Anxiety and College (for Cigna)

College Students and Mental Health (for College Parent Central)

Choosing the Right College (Episodes 6 & 19 of the Autism Goes to College podcast)

What Students with Disabilities Should Do When Starting College (episode of ChildNEXUS podcast)

Third Level Education for Autistic People (Episode of Neurodiversity Gold podcast)

Autism in Action Podcast Episode #86

College Readiness (episode of Autism and Neurodiversity podcast)

College Admissions and Pandemic Stress (for KCBS-SF Radio) 

Autism and College (for Cigna)

Transition to College on the Autism Spectrum – Part 1 and Part 2 with Dr. Mike Romas (on LI News Radio)

College Transition Plans for Neurodiverse Individuals (on Parenting Impossible)

Beyond the IEP: Transitioning to College (on Don’t IEP Alone)

College Readiness and Transition for Autistic Students – Spotify version (on Autism in Real Life), also available on Apple and Google

Steps to Autism Acceptance: Institutions of Higher Education (for Stairway to STEM)

Autism in Teens and Older Adults (on Dr. Mara Karpel – Your Golden Years)